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Global Grafted Polyolefins Market by Type (Maleic Anhydride Grafted PE, Maleic Anhydride Grafted PP, Maleic Anhydride Grafted EVA), Application (Adhesion Promotion, Impact Modification, Compatibilization, Bonding), End-Use Industry - Forecast 2029

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  • 251 Pages
  • April 2024
  • Region: Global
  • Markets and Markets
  • ID: 5968701
The Grafted polyolefins market size is projected to grow from USD 1.8 billion in 2024 to USD 2.3 billion by 2029, registering a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period. The grafted polyolefins market is experiencing substantial growth driven by a convergence of key factors across various industries. The proliferation of electronic devices, coupled with advancements in flexible and lightweight materials, propels the demand for Maleic Anhydride Grafted PE. Additionally, the rising significance of sustainable and high-performance packaging solutions fuels the market. The expansion of end-use industries such as textiles, automotive, and construction, coupled with increasing consumer awareness regarding product safety and longevity, further contributes to the market's growth.

Maleic Anhydride Grafted PE accounted for the largest share in type segment of grafted polyolefins market in terms of value.

Conductive films dominate the largest market share in the grafted polyolefins market due to their capacity to improve compatibility and adhesion capabilities, unique rheological properties, and varied applications in a variety of industries such as automotive, packaging, and construction. The addition of maleic anhydride (MAH) to polyolefins introduces functional groups that can react with other polymers or molecules, resulting in better interfacial bonding and compatibility between phases, making them appropriate for a variety of applications. The positive deviation from the expected values in the blend's viscosity and the sum of logarithms of the viscosities of each component suggests a high interaction between the phases, which can be related to the construction of a network structure between the grafted polyolefins and other components. This behaviour results in improved mechanical characteristics and processability, making maleic anhydride-grafted polyolefins a popular alternative for numerous applications.

Extrusion accounted for the largest share in processing technology segment of grafted polyolefins market in terms of value.

The dominance of polyethylene in the grafted polyolefins market can also be attributed to its adaptability in a wide range of applications. Extrusion techniques can be used to treat grafted polyolefins such as Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) for a variety of applications such as adhesion promotion, impact modification, and compatibility. Extrusion allows for the creation of a wide range of products, including pipes, profiles, films, and sheets, making it a critical technology for the grafted polyolefins industry.

Extrusion is a low-cost and efficient processing technology that enables high-volume production of grafted polyolefin-based products. Extrusion is also compatible with most thermoplastic processing technologies, allowing the production of plastic alloys and improving the compatibility of grafted polyolefins with other plastics. Furthermore, the adaptability of extrusion in the grafted polyolefins industry goes beyond traditional applications. Extrusion is increasingly being used in the production of advanced materials, such as nanocomposites and biodegradable plastics, where grafted polyolefins play a crucial role in enhancing the properties and performance of these materials.

Automotive end-user industry accounted for the largest share in end-use segment of Grafted polyolefins market in terms of value.

The grafted polyolefins market experiences robust growth primarily driven by the growing demand for lightweight and fuel-efficient vehicles has resulted in the use of advanced materials, such as grafted polyolefins, to reduce the overall weight of automotive parts while maintaining performance. Additionally, the growing emphasis on sustainability and recyclability in the automotive sector has increased demand for grafted polyolefins, as these materials can be easily recycled and reused, contributing to a more circular economy. For example, these materials are increasingly being used in the production of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), where they play an important role in the manufacture of battery components, charging systems, and other critical EV/HEV components. This increased application scope in the fast growing EV/HEV market is likely to drive up demand for grafted polyolefins in the automotive industry.

Asia-Pacific is the largest market for Grafted polyolefins.

Its large and rising customer base, strong industrial sector, abundant raw materials, and favourable regulatory environment. The region's rapidly rising customer base generates demand for a variety of grafted polyolefin-based products, including packaging materials, textiles, and consumer goods. Furthermore, the region's industrial sector, particularly in the automotive, construction, and electronics industries, is a major user of grafted polyolefins, which are used to manufacture lightweight automobiles, coatings, adhesives, and sealants, among other things. The region's supply of raw materials, notably polyolefins, lowers the manufacturing costs of grafted polyolefins, making it more cost-effective for manufacturers to do business there Furthermore, the region's favorable regulatory environment, such as the increasing adoption of bio-degradable polyethylene due to rising environmental concerns, is expected to drive the demand for grafted polyolefins.

In-depth interviews were conducted with Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), marketing directors, other innovation and technology directors, and executives from various key organizations operating in the grafted polyolefins market, and information was gathered from secondary research to determine and verify the market size of several segments.
  • By Company Type: Tier 1 - 40%, Tier 2 - 30%, and Tier 3 - 30%
  • By Designation: C Level Executives - 20%, Directors - 10%, and Others - 70%
  • By Region: North America - 20%, Europe - 30%, APAC - 30%, the Middle East & Africa - 10%, and South America - 10%
The Grafted polyolefins market comprises major players such include Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (Japan), Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co., Ltd.(China), LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V.(USA), Mitsui Chemicals Asia Pacific, Ltd.(Japan), Arkema (France), Clariant (Switzerland), Borealis AG (Austria), SI Group, Inc.(US), Dow (US), COACE (China), and others. The study includes in-depth competitive analysis of these key players in the grafted polyolefins market, with their company profiles, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Research Coverage

This report segments the market for grafted polyolefins market on the basis of material, type, application, and region, and provides estimations for the overall value of the market across various regions. A detailed analysis of key industry players has been conducted to provide insights into their business overviews, products & services, key strategies, expansions, and mergers & acquisitions associated with the market for grafted polyolefins market.

Key benefits of buying this report

This research report is focused on various levels of analysis - industry analysis (industry trends), market ranking analysis of top players, and company profiles, which together provide an overall view of the competitive landscape; emerging and high-growth segments of the Grafted polyolefins market; high-growth regions; and market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

  • Analysis of drivers: (Increasing demand for enhanced polymers, Technological advancements in polymer science, Growing focus on sustainable solutions.), restraints (Stringent regulatory compliances), opportunities (Innovative & emerging applications across various industries), and challenges (Cost of production & technical complexity) influencing the growth of grafted polyolefins market.
  • Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the grafted polyolefins market offered by top players in the global grafted polyolefins market.
  • Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, in the grafted polyolefins market.
  • Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative emerging markets - the report analyzes the markets for grafted polyolefins market across regions.
  • Market Capacity: Production capacities of companies producing grafted polyolefins are provided wherever available with upcoming capacities for the grafted polyolefins market.
  • Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, strategies, products, and manufacturing capabilities of leading players in the grafted polyolefins market.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Study Objectives
1.2 Market Definition
1.3 Study Scope
1.3.1 Inclusions & Exclusions
1.3.2 Market Segmentation
Figure 1 Grafted Polyolefins Market Segmentation
1.3.3 Regions Covered
1.3.4 Years Considered
1.4 Currency Considered
1.5 Units Considered
1.6 Limitations
1.7 Stakeholders
2 Research Methodology
2.1 Research Data
Figure 2 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Research Design
2.1.1 Secondary Data Key Data from Secondary Sources
2.1.2 Primary Data Key Data from Primary Sources Primary Data Sources Key Primary Participants Breakdown of Primary Interviews Key Industry Insights
2.2 Base Number Calculation
2.2.1 Supply-Side Approach
Figure 3 Market Size Estimation Methodology: Supply-Side Approach
2.2.2 Demand-Side Approach
Figure 4 Market Size Estimation Methodology: Demand-Side Approach
2.3 Forecast Number Calculation
2.3.1 Supply Side
2.3.2 Demand Side
2.4 Market Size Estimation
Figure 5 Market Size Estimation Methodology: Revenue of Market Players
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
Figure 6 Market Size Estimation Methodology: Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
Figure 7 Market Size Estimation Methodology: Top-Down Approach
2.5 Data Triangulation
Figure 8 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Data Triangulation
2.6 Research Assumptions
2.7 Impact of Recession
2.8 Growth Forecast
2.9 Risk Assessment
3 Executive Summary
Figure 9 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Pe to Dominate Market Between 2024 and 2029
Figure 10 Automotive End-use Industry to Lead Market Between 2024 and 2029
Figure 11 Extrusion Processing Technology to Record Highest Growth During Forecast Period
Figure 12 Adhesion Promotion Application to Register Highest CAGR During Forecast Period
Figure 13 Asia-Pacific to Dominate Market During Forecast Period
4 Premium Insights
4.1 Attractive Opportunities for Players in Grafted Polyolefins Market
Figure 14 Growing Demand from Automotive and Packaging Sectors to Drive Market
4.2 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type
Figure 15 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Pe to be Fastest-Growing Segment During Forecast Period
4.3 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry
Figure 16 Automotive to be Fastest-Growing Segment During Forecast Period
4.4 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Key Country
Figure 17 China to Record Fastest Growth During Forecast Period
5 Market Overview
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Market Dynamics
Figure 18 Market Dynamics: Grafted Polyolefins Market
5.2.1 Drivers Increasing Demand for Enhanced Polymers in Automotive and Construction Sectors Technological Advancements in Polymer Science Rising Focus on Sustainable Solutions
5.2.2 Restraints Stringent Regulatory Compliances
5.2.3 Opportunities Development of Grafted Polyolefins with Antimicrobial and Conductive Properties
5.2.4 Challenges Production Cost and Technical Complexities
6 Industry Trends
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Trends/Disruptions Impacting Customer Business
6.2.1 Revenue Shift and New Revenue Pockets for Grafted Polyolefin Manufacturers
Figure 19 Revenue Shift of Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.3 Value Chain Analysis
Figure 20 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Value Chain Analysis
6.3.1 Raw Material Suppliers
6.3.2 Grafting Manufacturers
6.3.3 Distributors
6.3.4 End-users
6.4 Pricing Analysis
6.4.1 Average Selling Price Trend, by Region
Table 1 Average Selling Price, by Region, 2020-2029 (USD/Ton)
Figure 21 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Average Selling Price Trend, by Region
6.4.2 Average Selling Price Trend, by Type
Table 2 Average Selling Price, by Type, 2020-2029 (USD/Ton)
6.4.3 Average Selling Price Trend of Key Players, by Top 3 Types
Table 3 Average Selling Price of Key Players, by Type, 2020-2029 (USD/Ton)
Figure 22 Average Selling Price Trend of Key Players for Top 3 Types
6.4.4 Average Selling Price Trend, by End-use Industry
Table 4 Average Selling Price, by End-use Industry, 2020-2029 (USD/Ton)
6.5 Ecosystem
Figure 23 Grafted Polyolefins Market Ecosystem
Table 5 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Ecosystem
6.6 Technology Analysis
6.6.1 Key Technology
Table 6 Key Technologies Offered in Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.6.2 Complementary Technology
Table 7 Complementary Technologies Offered in Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.6.3 Adjacent Technology
Table 8 Adjacent Technologies Offered in Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.7 Patent Analysis
6.7.1 Methodology
6.7.2 Granted Patents
Table 9 Total Number of Patents, 2014-2023 Publication Trends Over Last Ten Years
Figure 24 Patents Granted Over Last Ten Years
6.7.3 Insights
6.7.4 Legal Status
Figure 25 Patent Analysis, by Legal Status
6.7.5 Jurisdiction Analysis
Figure 26 Regional Analysis of Patents Granted for Grafted Polyolefins Market, 2023
6.7.6 Top Applicants
Figure 27 Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Patents in Last Ten Years
Table 10 Major Patents Owners for Grafted Polyolefins
6.7.7 Key Patents for Grafted Polyolefins
Table 11 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Major Patents
6.8 Trade Analysis
6.8.1 Import Scenario
Figure 28 Import of Grafted Polyolefins, by Country, 2020-2023 (Thousand USD)
6.8.2 Export Scenario
Figure 29 Export of Grafted Polyolefins, by Country, 2020-2023 (Thousand USD)
6.9 Key Conferences and Events in 2024-2025
Table 12 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Key Conferences and Events, 2024-2025
6.10 Tariff and Regulatory Landscape
6.10.1 Tariff and Regulations Related to Grafted Polyolefins
Table 13 Tariffs Related to Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.10.2 Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
Table 14 North America: Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
Table 15 Europe: Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
Table 16 Asia-Pacific: Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
Table 17 Middle East & Africa: Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
Table 18 South America: Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations
6.10.3 Regulations Related to Grafted Polyolefins Market
Table 19 Regulations for Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.11 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Table 20 Impact of Porter's Five Forces on Grafted Polyolefins Market
Figure 30 Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Grafted Polyolefins Market
6.11.1 Threat of New Entrants
6.11.2 Threat of Substitutes
6.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
6.11.4 Bargaining Power of Buyers
6.11.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
6.12 Key Stakeholders and Buying Criteria
6.12.1 Key Stakeholders in Buying Process
Figure 31 Influence of Stakeholders on Buying Process for Top Three End-use Industries
Table 21 Influence of Institutional Buyers on Buying Process for Top Three End-use Industries
6.12.2 Buying Criteria
Figure 32 Key Buying Criteria for End-use Industries
Table 22 Key Buying Criteria for End-use Industries
6.13 Macroeconomic Indicators
6.13.1 GDP Trends and Forecast of Major Economies
Table 23 GDP Trends and Forecast, by Key Country, 2020-2029 (USD Million)
6.14 Case Study Analysis
6.14.1 Study on Peroxide-Initiated Grafting of Polyethylene Onto Silane-Treated Surfaces
6.14.2 Comparative Study of Tha and Ma Grafting on Polyolefins: Effects on Crystalline Structure and Processing
6.14.3 Effect of Maleic Anhydride Grafting on Polyolefins and Pp/Hdpe Blend
7 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type
7.1 Introduction
Figure 33 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Pe to Lead Market During Forecast Period
Table 24 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 25 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 26 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 27 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 ( Million Ton)
7.2 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Pe
7.2.1 Wide Application in Adhesive and Sealant Formulations to Drive Market
7.3 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Pp
7.3.1 Enhanced Thermal Stability and Temperature Resistance to Boost Demand
7.4 Maleic Anhydride Grafted Eva
7.4.1 Rising Use in Composite Materials and Polymer Blends to Boost Market
7.5 Other Types
7.5.1 Maleic Anhydride Pet
7.5.2 Maleic Anhydride Ppt
7.5.3 Maleic Anhydride Ps
7.5.4 Acrylic Acid Grafted Polyolefins
8 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology
8.1 Introduction
Figure 34 Extrusion to Lead Market During Forecast Period
Table 28 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 29 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
8.2 Extrusion
8.2.1 Increasing Demand for High-Performance Packaging Solutions to Drive Market
8.3 Melt Grafting
8.3.1 Enhanced Signal Integrity and System Performance to Boost Demand
8.4 Other Technologies
8.4.1 Emulsion Grafting
8.4.2 Radiation Grafting
8.4.3 Bulk Grafting
8.4.4 Reactive Extrusion
9 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application
9.1 Introduction
Figure 35 Adhesion Promotion to Lead Market During Forecast Period
Table 30 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 31 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
9.2 Adhesion Promotion
9.2.1 Pressing Need in Laminates and Barrier Coatings to Drive Market
9.3 Impact Modification
9.3.1 Rising Demand for Toughening Agents to Fuel Market
9.4 Compatibilization
9.4.1 Wide Use of Polymer Blends to Boost Market
9.5 Bonding
9.5.1 Extensive Use of Polyolefins in Packaging Industry to Drive Market
9.6 Other Applications
9.6.1 Stabilization
9.6.2 Flame Retardancy
9.6.3 Antimicrobial Properties
9.6.4 Barrier Properties
9.6.5 Electrical Conductivity
10 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry
10.1 Introduction
Figure 36 Automotive Segment to Dominate Market During Forecast Period
Table 32 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 33 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 34 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 35 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
10.2 Automotive
10.2.1 Increasing Demand for Polyolefins in Insulation and Soundproofing to Drive Market
10.3 Packaging
10.3.1 Rising Demand for Grafted Polyolefins in Medical Packaging to Drive Market
10.4 Construction
10.4.1 Enhanced Durability and Thermal Resistance to Boost Demand
10.5 Textile
10.5.1 High Tensile Strength and Abrasion Resistance to Fuel Market
10.6 Adhesives & Sealants
10.6.1 Enhanced Bonding Strength and Sealing Properties to Boost Demand
10.7 Other End-use Industries
10.7.1 Electrical & Electronics
10.7.2 Medical & Healthcare
10.7.3 Renewable Energy
10.7.4 Marine & Offshore
10.7.5 Aerospace & Defense
11 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Region
11.1 Introduction
Figure 37 Asia-Pacific to be Fastest-Growing Market During Forecast Period
Table 36 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Region, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 37 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Region, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 38 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Region, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 39 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Region, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 40 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 41 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 42 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 43 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 44 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 45 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 46 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 47 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 48 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 49 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 50 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 51 Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2 Asia-Pacific
11.2.1 Recession Impact
Figure 38 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market Snapshot
Table 52 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 53 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 54 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 55 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 56 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 57 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 58 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 59 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 60 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 61 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 62 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 63 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 64 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 65 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 66 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 67 Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2.2 China Booming Automotive and Construction Sectors to Drive Market
Table 68 China: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 69 China: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 70 China: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 71 China: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2.3 Japan Rapidly Aging Population to Fuel Demand for Innovative Medical Technologies
Table 72 Japan: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 73 Japan: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 74 Japan: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 75 Japan: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2.4 India Shift of Packaging Industry Toward More Sustainable Alternatives to Drive Market
Table 76 India: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 77 India: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 78 India: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 79 India: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2.5 South Korea Favorable Government Initiatives and Policies to Promote Market Growth
Table 80 South Korea: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 81 South Korea: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 82 South Korea: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 83 South Korea: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.2.6 Rest of Asia-Pacific
Table 84 Rest of Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 85 Rest of Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 86 Rest of Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 87 Rest of Asia-Pacific: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.3 North America
11.3.1 Recession Impact
Figure 39 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market Snapshot
Table 88 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 89 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 90 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 91 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 92 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 93 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 94 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 95 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 96 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 97 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 98 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 99 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 100 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 101 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 102 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 103 North America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.3.2 US Growing Demand for Improved Adhesion Bonding in Automotive Industry to Drive Market
Table 104 US: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 105 US: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 106 US: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 107 US: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.3.3 Canada Focus on Sustainable Development and Carbon Neutrality to Boost Market
Table 108 Canada: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 109 Canada: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 110 Canada: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 111 Canada: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.3.4 Mexico Growing Preference for Grafted Polyolefins Derived from Renewable Sources to Drive Market
Table 112 Mexico: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 113 Mexico: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 114 Mexico: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 115 Mexico: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4 Europe
11.4.1 Recession Impact
Figure 40 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market Snapshot
Table 116 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 117 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 118 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 119 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 120 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 121 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 122 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 123 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 124 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 125 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 126 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 127 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 128 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 129 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 130 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 131 Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.2 Germany Growth of Automotive and Packaging Sectors to Drive Market
Table 132 Germany: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 133 Germany: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 134 Germany: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 135 Germany: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.3 Italy Established Manufacturing and Textile Sectors to Boost Market
Table 136 Italy: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 137 Italy: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 138 Italy: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 139 Italy: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.4 France Growth of Manufacturing Sector to Drive Market
Table 140 France: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 141 France: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 142 France: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 143 France: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.5 UK Focus on Innovation in Automotive Sector and Commitment to Circular Economy to Drive Market
Table 144 UK: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 145 UK: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 146 UK: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 147 UK: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.6 Spain Resurgence of Automotive Industry to Drive Demand
Table 148 Spain: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 149 Spain: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 150 Spain: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 151 Spain: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.7 Russia Growth of Packaging and Technical Textile Industries to Drive Demand
Table 152 Russia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 153 Russia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 154 Russia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 155 Russia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.4.8 Rest of Europe
Table 156 Rest of Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 157 Rest of Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 158 Rest of Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 159 Rest of Europe: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.5 Middle East & Africa
11.5.1 Recession Impact
Table 160 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 161 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 162 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023(Million Ton)
Table 163 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 164 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 165 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 166 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 167 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 168 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 169 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 170 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 171 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 172 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 173 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 174 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 175 Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.5.2 GCC Countries Saudi Arabia Rising Availability of Cheaper Raw Materials to Drive Market
Table 176 Saudi Arabia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 177 Saudi Arabia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 178 Saudi Arabia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 179 Saudi Arabia: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Uae Rapid Urbanization and Industrial Development to Boost Market
Table 180 Uae: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 181 Uae: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 182 Uae: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 183 Uae: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Rest of GCC Countries
Table 184 Rest of GCC Countries: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 185 Rest of GCC Countries: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 186 Rest of GCC Countries: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 187 Rest of GCC Countries: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) South Africa Increasing Demand for Recycled Plastic Products to Drive Market
Table 188 South Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 189 South Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 190 South Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 191 South Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Rest of Middle East & Africa
Table 192 Rest of Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 193 Rest of Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 194 Rest of Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 195 Rest of Middle East & Africa: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
11.6 South America
11.6.1 Recession Impact
Table 196 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 197 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029(USD Million)
Table 198 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 199 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Country, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 200 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 201 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 202 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 203 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Type, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
Table 204 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 205 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Processing Technology, 2024-2029(USD Million)
Table 206 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 207 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by Application, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 208 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 209 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 210 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 211 South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Argentina Surge in Construction Activities to Drive Market
Table 212 Argentina: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 213 Argentina: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 214 Argentina: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 215 Argentina: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Brazil Diverse Industrial Landscape and Sustainable Industrial Activities to Drive Market
Table 216 Brazil: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 217 Brazil: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 218 Brazil: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 219 Brazil: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton) Rest of South America
Table 220 Rest of South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (USD Million)
Table 221 Rest of South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (USD Million)
Table 222 Rest of South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2020-2023 (Million Ton)
Table 223 Rest of South America: Grafted Polyolefins Market, by End-use Industry, 2024-2029 (Million Ton)
12 Competitive Landscape
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Key Player Strategies/Right to Win
Table 224 Overview of Strategies Adopted by Key Grafted Polyolefin Manufacturers
12.3 Market Share Analysis
12.3.1 Ranking of Key Market Players, 2023
Figure 41 Ranking of Top Five Players in Grafted Polyolefins Market, 2023
12.3.2 Market Share of Key Players
Table 225 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Degree of Competition
Figure 42 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Share of Key Players
12.4 Revenue Analysis
Figure 43 Revenue Analysis of Key Players, 2020-2024
12.5 Brand/Product Comparative Analysis
Figure 44 Brand/Product Comparative Analysis, by Segment
12.6 Company Evaluation Matrix: Key Players, 2023
12.6.1 Stars
12.6.2 Emerging Leaders
12.6.3 Pervasive Players
12.6.4 Participants
Figure 45 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Company Evaluation Matrix (Key Players), 2023
12.6.5 Company Footprint
Figure 46 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Company Overall Footprint
Table 226 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Type Footprint (10 Companies)
Table 227 Grafted Polyolefins Market: End-use Industry Footprint (10 Companies)
Table 228 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Technology Footprint (10 Companies)
Table 229 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Application Footprint (10 Companies)
Table 230 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Region Footprint (10 Companies)
12.7 Company Evaluation Matrix: Start-Ups/SMEs, 2023
12.7.1 Progressive Companies
12.7.2 Responsive Companies
12.7.3 Dynamic Companies
12.7.4 Starting Blocks
Figure 47 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Company Evaluation Matrix (Start-Ups/SMEs), 2023
12.7.5 Competitive Benchmarking Detailed List of Key Start-Ups/SMEs
Table 231 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Detailed List of Key Start-Ups/SMEs Competitive Benchmarking of Key Start-Ups/SMEs
Table 232 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Competitive Benchmarking of Key Startups/SMEs
12.7.6 Valuation and Financial Metrics of Key Grafted Polyolefin Vendors
Figure 48 Grafted Polyolefin Market: EV/EBITDA of Key Vendors
Figure 49 Year-To-Date (Ytd) Price Total Return
12.8 Competitive Scenario and Trends
12.8.1 Deals
Table 233 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Deals, January 2020- November 2023
12.8.2 Expansions
Table 234 Grafted Polyolefins Market: Expansions, May 2021-October 2023
13 Company Profiles
(Business Overview, Products/Solutions/Services Offered, Recent Developments, Analyst's View, Key Strengths, Strategic Choices, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats) *
13.1 Key Players
13.1.1 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation
Table 235 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation: Company Overview
Figure 50 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation: Company Snapshot
Table 236 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation: Product Offerings
13.1.2 Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co. Ltd.
Table 237 Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co. Ltd.: Company Overview
Table 238 Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co. Ltd.: Product Offerings
13.1.3 Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.
Table 239 Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.: Company Overview
Figure 51 Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.: Company Snapshot
Table 240 Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.: Product Offerings
Table 241 Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.: Expansions
13.1.4 Mitsui Chemicals Asia-Pacific, Ltd.
Table 242 Mitsui Chemicals Asia-Pacific, Ltd.: Company Overview
Figure 52 Mitsui Chemicals Asia-Pacific, Ltd.: Company Snapshot
Table 243 Mitsui Chemicals Asia-Pacific, Ltd.: Product Offerings
13.1.5 Arkema
Table 244 Arkema: Company Overview
Figure 53 Arkema: Company Snapshot
Table 245 Arkema: Product Offerings
13.1.6 Clariant
Table 246 Clariant: Company Overview
Figure 54 Clariant: Company Snapshot
Table 247 Clariant: Product Offerings
13.1.7 Borealis AG
Table 248 Borealis AG: Company Overview
Figure 55 Borealis AG: Company Snapshot
Table 249 Borealis AG: Product Offerings
Table 250 Borealis AG: Deals
Table 251 Borealis AG: Expansions
13.1.8 Si Group, Inc.
Table 252 Si Group, Inc.: Company Overview
Table 253 Si Group, Inc.: Product Offerings
13.1.9 Dow
Table 254 Dow: Company Overview
Figure 56 Dow: Company Snapshot
Table 255 Dow: Product Offerings
13.1.10 Coace
Table 256 Coace: Company Overview
Table 257 Coace: Product Offerings
*Details on Business Overview, Products/Solutions/Services Offered, Recent Developments, Analyst's View, Key Strengths, Strategic Choices, Weaknesses and Competitive Threats Might Not be Captured in Case of Unlisted Companies
13.2 Other Players
13.2.1 Swastik Interchem Private Limited
Table 258 Swastik Interchem Private Limited: Company Overview
13.2.2 The Compound Company
Table 259 The Compound Company: Company Overview
13.2.3 Will & Co B.V.
Table 260 Will & Co: Company Overview
13.2.4 Jiangsu Faer Wax Industry Co. Ltd.
Table 261 Jiangsu Faer Wax Industry Co. Ltd.: Company Overview
13.2.5 Nagase America LLC
Table 262 Nagase America LLC: Company Overview
13.2.6 Payesh C-One Polymer
Table 263 Payesh C-One Polymer: Company Overview
13.2.7 Westlake Corporation
Table 264 Westlake Corporation: Company Overview
13.2.8 Fine-Blend Polymer (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Table 265 Fine-Blend Polymer (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.: Company Overview
13.2.9 Synthomer PLC
Table 266 Synthomer PLC: Company Overview
13.2.10 Saco Aei Polymers
Table 267 Saco Aei Polymers: Company Overview
13.2.11 Shenyang Ketong Plastic Co. Ltd.
Table 268 Shenyang Ketong Plastic Co. Ltd.: Company Overview
14 Appendix
14.1 Discussion Guide
14.2 Knowledgestore: The Subscription Portal
14.3 Customization Options

Companies Mentioned

  • Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation
  • Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co. Ltd.
  • Lyondellbasell Industries Holdings B.V.
  • Mitsui Chemicals Asia-Pacific, Ltd.
  • Arkema
  • Clariant
  • Borealis AG
  • Si Group, Inc.
  • Dow
  • Coace
  • Swastik Interchem Private Limited
  • The Compound Company
  • Will & Co B.V.
  • Jiangsu Faer Wax Industry Co. Ltd.
  • Nagase America LLC
  • Payesh C-One Polymer
  • Westlake Corporation
  • Fine-Blend Polymer (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
  • Synthomer PLC
  • Saco Aei Polymers
  • Shenyang Ketong Plastic Co. Ltd.

Table Information