This issue of Advanced Coating & Surface Technology TOE profiles technology developments focused on gas separation. The issue highlights innovations related to membranes and catalysts for removal of gases from various feedstocks.
The Advanced Coating & Surface Technology TechVision Opportunity Engine (TOE) provides intelligence on technologies, products, processes, applications and strategic insights on various coatings across industries. This encompasses protective and functional coatings such as antimicrobial coatings, food coatings, energy-saving coatings, smart glazing, hydrophilic, hydrophobic and super hydrophobic coatings, corrosion protection coatings, barrier coatings and paints.
The Chemicals and Advanced Materials cluster tracks research & innovation trends and developments across specialty chemicals, plastics, polymers, chemicals, bio-chemicals, metals, coatings, thin films, surface treatments, composites, alloys, oil and gas, fuel additives, fibers and several other related technologies and its impact and application across industries.
Table of Contents
Recent Innovations in Gas Production Technologies
- Ceramic Membrane for Producing Compressed Hydrogen from Methane
- Catalyst for Removal of Carbon Monoxide in Hydrogen Production Process
- Cost-effective 3D Oxygen Electro-catalyst for Solar Hydrogen Production
- Mxene-based Membrane for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Gas Separation
- Graphene-based High-performance Catalysts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
- Key Contacts