This Cyber Security Technology Opportunity Engine (TOE) provides a snapshot on emerging cyber security solutions powered by cloud-, artificial intelligence-, and blockchain-based innovations that help companies protect from threats, data breaches, phishing attacks, and defend against modern attacks residing within cloud, endpoints, and various network layers.
Cyber Security TOE’s mission is to investigate new and emerging developments that aim to protect the network infrastructure and the resources operating in the network.
The TOE offers strategic insights that would help identify new business opportunities and enhance technology portfolio decisions by assessing new developments and product launches in:
Anti-spam, anti-virus, phishing, identity management, disaster recovery, firewalls, virtual private networks, end-point security, content filtering, Web application security, authentication and access control, intrusion prevention and detection systems, encryption algorithms, cryptographic techniques, and pattern recognition systems for network security. Highlights of this service include technology roadmapping of network security technologies; IP portfolio analysis; information on funding and investment opportunities; evaluation of commercial opportunities from technology developments; technology assessment; analysis of technology accelerators and challenges and many more.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, continuous cloud security, digital forensics cybersecurity platform, connected car cybersecurity, cybersecurity for modern workloads, cyber compliance management, networks access security, endpoint detection and response, managed detection and response, next generation security
Table of Contents
Growth Opportunities in Cloud-, Ai-, and Blockchain-Based Security
Innovations in Cyber Security
- Chainalysis, US
- Upstream Security, Israel
- Cado Security, UK
- Druva, US
- Defensestorm, US
- Zero Networks, Israel
- Cybereason, US
- Vectra, US
- Esentire, Canada
- Logrhythm, US
Key Contacts
Companies Mentioned (Partial List)
A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:
- Cado Security, UK
- Chainalysis, US
- Cybereason, US
- Defensestorm, US
- Druva, US
- Esentire, Canada
- Logrhythm, US
- Upstream Security, Israel
- Vectra, US
- Zero Networks, Israel