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Metagenomic Markets: Global Market Analysis with Forecasts by Applications, Technologies, Product and User 2024 to 2028

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  • 359 Pages
  • July 2024
  • Region: Global
  • Howe Sound Research
  • ID: 5766469

A Game Changer in Diagnostics - New Technology Changes Viewpoint on Infections

Unlimited growth potential? A Game Changer? It is not an exaggeration. Metagenomic assays could change the way medical treatment is done. Learn all about it in this new research report.

The role of genetics in health and disease is just now being understood. This new knowledge, combined with lower costs is driving a new type of genetic testing. Metagenomic Testing looks at all the genetic material in a sample. In the process it learns about infection, cancer, antimicrobial resistance, and the patient genome. It’s a whole new approach. Chronic infection? Find out the real culprits. Secrets of the microbiome and gut health? Metagenomics has the answers. In everything from human medical treatment to wastewater studies this new approach is creating startling answers. And finding new kinds of organisms and pathogens in the process. Already some minor medical miracles have been accomplished. This report looks at the technology, the applications, the users and the types of products that will be sold. The report includes detailed breakouts for 14 countries and 5 regions. 

Find out about the technology in readily understood terms that explain the jargon. What are the issues? Find the opportunities and the pitfalls. Understand growth expectations and the ultimate market forecasts for the next five years.

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All report data is available in Excel format on request.

Make investment decisions and valuations with confidence using the latest data. 

Table of Contents

1 Market Guides
1.1 Strategic Situation Analysis
1.2 Guide for Executives and Business Development Staff
1.3 Guide for Management Consultants and Investment Advisors

2 Introduction and Market Definition
2.1 What is Metagenomics?
2.2 Market Definition
2.2.1 Revenue Market Size.
2.2.2 Clinical
2.2.3 Microbiome
2.2.4 Agricultural
2.2.5 Environmental & Other
2.3 Methodology
2.3.1 Methodology
2.3.2 Sources
2.3.3 Authors
2.4 Perspective: Healthcare and the IVD Industry
2.4.1 Global Healthcare Spending
2.4.2 Spending on Diagnostics
2.4.3 Important Role of Insurance for Diagnostics
2.5 Chromosomes, Genes and Epigenetics
2.5.1 Chromosomes
2.5.2 Genes
2.5.3 Epigenetics

3 Market Overview
3.1 Players in a Dynamic Market
3.1.1 Academic Research Lab
3.1.2 Diagnostic Test Developer
3.1.3 Instrumentation Supplier
3.1.4 Chemical/Reagent Supplier
3.1.5 Pathology Supplier
3.1.6 Independent Clinical Laboratory
3.1.7 Public National/regional Laboratory
3.1.8 Hospital Laboratory
3.1.9 Physicians Office Lab (POLS)
3.1.10 Audit Body
3.1.11 Certification Body
3.2 Metagenomics Applications
3.2.1 Clinical Metagenomics
3.2.2 Diagnostic Use
3.2.3 Syndromic Multiplex vs. Metagenomic Testing
3.2.4 Antimicrobial Resistance
3.2.5 Managing the Microbiome
3.2.6 Public Health Use
3.3 Clinical Industry Structure
3.3.1 Hospital’s Testing Share
3.3.2 Economies of Scale
3.3.3 Hospital vs. Central Lab
3.3.4 Physician Office Lab’s
3.3.5 Physicians and POCT

4 Market Trends
4.1 Factors Driving Growth
4.1.1 A New Approach to Diagnostics
4.1.2 The Aging Effect
4.1.3 The Known and the Unknown
4.1.4 A Research Bonanza
4.2 Factors Limiting Growth
4.2.1 Increased Competition Lowers Price
4.2.2 Lower Costs
4.2.3 Testing usage analysis curtailing growth
4.2.4 Wellness has a downside
4.3 Instrumentation, Automation and Diagnostic Trends
4.3.1 Traditional Automation and Centralization
4.3.2 The New Automation, Decentralization and Point of Care
4.3.3 Instruments Key to Market Share
4.3.4 Bioinformatics Plays a Role
4.3.5 PCR Takes Command
4.3.6 Next Generation Sequencing Fuels a Revolution
4.3.7 NGS Impact on Pricing
4.3.8 Whole Genome Sequencing, A Brave New World
4.3.9 Companion Diagnostics Blurs Diagnosis and Treatment
4.3.10 Shifting Role of Diagnostics

5 Metagenomics Recent Developments
5.1 Recent Developments
5.1.1 Importance of This Section
5.1.2 How to Use This Section
5.2 UK and U.S. Use Metagenomics for Biothreat Assessment
5.3 Phase Genomics Metagenomics Innovation Award
5.4 New Method for Human Gut Assessment
5.5 Metagenomic Sequencing Used for Pneumonia Care
5.6 Sepsis Study Shows Metagenomic Clinical Value
5.7 Delve Bio to Develop Metagenomic Sequencing Dx
5.8 Metagenomics Could be a Game-changer
5.9 Model Predicts Millions of Metagenomic Proteins
5.10 Microbiome Analysis May Yield False Results
5.11 Gut microbiome at center of Parkinson's disease
5.12 MicroGenDx, Evvy Partner for Metagenomic Test
5.13 Diagnostic accuracy of metagenomic NGS
5.14 Metagenomics implicates the gut microbiome
5.15 Charities Award $2M for Metagenomic Pathogen Research
5.16 Cost-effective metagenomic HiFi sequencing
5.17 Microbiome Links Uncovered
5.18 Metagenomi Named an Endpoints 11 Winner
5.19 Biotia Raises $8M in Series A Financing

6 Profiles of Key Companies
6.1 Arc Bio
6.2 BaseClear
6.3 BGI Genomics Co. Ltd
6.4 Biome Makers
6.5 bioMérieux Diagnostics
6.6 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
6.7 CosmosID
6.8 Element Biosciences
6.9 Fusion Genomics.
6.10 Helix OpCo
6.11 Illumina
6.12 Institute for Metagenomics
6.13 Karius
6.14 Metabiomics Corp
6.15 Metagenomi
6.16 MetaSUB International Consortium
6.17 Microbiome Insights
6.18 MicroGenDx
6.19 Molecular Stethoscope
6.20 Norgen Biotek Corp.
6.21 Noscendo
6.22 Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co., Ltd.
6.23 One Codex
6.24 OraSure Technologies
6.25 Oxford Nanopore Technologies
6.26 Pacific Biosciences
6.27 PathoQuest S.A.
6.28 Perkin Elmer
6.29 Promega
6.30 Qiagen
6.31 Second Genome
6.32 Siemens Healthineers
6.33 Sysmex
6.34 Takara Bio
6.35 Ultima Genomics
6.36 Zymo Research Corp

7 Global Market Size
7.1 Global Market by Country
7.1.1 Table - Global Market by Country
7.1.2 Chart - Country Market Shares
7.2 Global Market by Application
7.2.1 Table - Global Market by Application
7.2.2 Chart - Application Share by Year
7.2.3 Chart - Application Segment Growth Rates
7.2.4 Chart - Application Segment Share Shifts
7.2.5 Chart - Application Segment Share Base Year
7.2.6 Chart - Application Segment Share Final Year
7.3 Global Market by Technology
7.3.1 Table - Global Market by Technology
7.3.2 Chart - Technology Share by Year
7.3.3 Chart - Technology Segment Growth Rates
7.3.4 Chart - Technology Segment Share Shifts
7.3.5 Chart - Technology Segment Share Base Year
7.3.6 Chart - Technology Segment Share Final Year
7.4 Global Market by Product
7.4.1 Table - Global Market by Product
7.4.2 Chart - Product Share by Year
7.4.3 Chart - Product Segment Growth Rates
7.4.4 Chart - Product Segment Share Shifts
7.4.5 Chart - Product Segment Share Base Year
7.4.6 Chart - Product Segment Share Final Year
7.5 Global Market by User
7.5.1 Table - Global Market by User
7.5.2 Chart - User Share by Year
7.5.3 Chart - User Segment Growth Rates
7.5.4 Chart - User Segment Share Shifts
7.5.5 Chart - User Segment Share Base Year
7.5.6 Chart - User Segment Share Final Year

8 Market Sizes by Application
8.1 Clinical Market
8.1.1 Table Clinical - by Country
8.1.2 Chart - Clinical Growth
8.2 Microbiome Market
8.2.1 Table Microbiome - by Country
8.2.2 Chart - Microbiome Growth
8.3 Agriculture Market
8.3.1 Table Agriculture - by Country
8.3.2 Chart - Agriculture Growth
8.4 Industrial & Other Market
8.4.1 Table Industrial & Other - by Country
8.4.2 Chart - Industrial & Other Growth

9 Market Sizes by Technology
9.1 16srRNA Market
9.1.1 Table 16srRNA - by Country
9.1.2 Chart - 16srRNA Growth
9.2 Shotgun Market
9.2.1 Table Shotgun - by Country
9.2.2 Chart - Shotgun Growth
9.3 WGS Market
9.3.1 Table WGS - by Country
9.3.2 WGS - Growth
9.4 Other Technology Market
9.4.1 Table Other Technology - by Country
9.4.2 Chart - Other Technology Growth

10 Market Sizes by Product
10.1 Instruments Market
10.1.1 Table Instruments - by Country
10.1.2 Chart - Instrument Growth
10.2 Reagents and Kits Market
10.2.1 Table Reagents and Kits - by Country
10.2.2 Chart - Reagents and Kits Growth
10.3 Software Market
10.3.1 Table Software - by Country
10.3.2 Software Growth
10.4 Services Market
10.4.1 Table Services - by Country
10.4.2 Chart - Services Growth

11 Market Sizes by User
11.1 Academic Market
11.1.1 Table Academic - by Country
11.1.2 Chart - Academic Growth
11.2 Clinical Market
11.2.1 Table Clinical - by Country
11.2.2 Chart - Clinical Growth
11.3 Pharmaceutical Market
11.3.1 Table Pharmaceutical - by Country
11.3.2 Pharmaceutical - Predictive Growth
11.4 Other User Market
11.4.1 Table Other User - by Country
11.4.2 Chart - Other User Growth

12 Appendices
12.1 United States Medicare System: Laboratory Fees Schedule
12.2 The Most Used IVD Assays
12.3 The Highest Grossing Assays

List of Tables
Table 1 The Base Pairs
Table 2 Market Players by Type
Table 3 The Different Applications of Metagenomic Testing
Table 4 Factors Driving Growth
Table 5 Four Factors Limiting Growth
Table 6 Seven Key Diagnostic Laboratory Technology Trends
Table 7 Global Market by Country
Table 8 Global Market by Application
Table 9 Global Market by Technology
Table 10 Global Market by Product
Table 11 Global Market by User
Table 12 Clinical Segment by Country
Table 13 Microbiome Segment by Country
Table 14 Agriculture Segment by Country
Table 15 Industrial & Other Segment by Country
Table 16 16srRNA Segment by Country
Table 17 Shotgun Segment by Country
Table 18 WGS Segment by Country
Table 19 Other Technology Segment by Country
Table 20 Instruments Segment by Country
Table 21 Reagents and Kits Segment by Country
Table 22 Software Segment by Country
Table 23 Services Segment by Country
Table 24 Academic Segment by Country
Table 25 Clinical Segment by Country
Table 26 Pharmaceutical Segment by Country
Table 27 Other User Segment by Country
Table 28 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule
Table 29 The Most Common Assays
Table 30 Largest Revenue Assays

List of Figures
Figure 1 Global Health Care Spending
Figure 2 The Lab Test Pie
Figure 3 DNA Strands and Chromosomes
Figure 4 Karyogram of Human Chromosomes
Figure 5 Size of Various Genomes
Figure 6 The Road to Diagnostics
Figure 7 The New Diagnostics
Figure 8 The Changing Age of the World Population
Figure 9 Health Care Consumption by Age
Figure 10 Cancer Incidence - Age at Diagnosis
Figure 11 Centralized vs. Decentralized Laboratory Service
Figure 12 A Highly Multiplexed Syndromic Testing Unit
Figure 13 The Real Cost to Sequence the Human Genome
Figure 14 The Codevelopment Process
Figure 15 Comparing MDx Diagnostic and Traditional Testing
Figure 16 Country Market Shares
Figure 17 Application Share by Year
Figure 18 Application Segment Growth Rates
Figure 19 Segment Share Shifts
Figure 20 Application Segment Share Base Year
Figure 21 Application Segment Share Final Year
Figure 22 Technology Share by Year
Figure 23 Technology Segment Growth Rates
Figure 24 Technology Segment Share Shifts
Figure 25 Technology Segment Share Base Year
Figure 26 Technology Segment Share Final Year
Figure 27 Product Share by Year
Figure 28 Product Segment Growth Rates
Figure 29 Product Segment Share Shifts
Figure 30 Product Segment Share Base Year
Figure 31 Product Segment Share Final Year
Figure 32 User Share by Year
Figure 33 User Segment Growth Rates
Figure 34 User Segment Share Shifts
Figure 35 User Segment Share Base Year
Figure 36 User Segment Share Final Year
Figure 37 Clinical vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 38 Microbiome vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 39 Agriculture vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 40 Industrial & Other vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 41 16srRNA vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 42 Shotgun vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 43 WGS vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 44 Other Technology vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 45 Instrument vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 46 Reagents and Kits vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 47 Software vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 48 Services vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 49 Academic vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 50 Clinical vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 51 Pharmaceutical vs. Total Market Growth
Figure 52 Other User Growth

Companies Mentioned

  • Arc Bio
  • BaseClear
  • BGI Genomics Co. Ltd
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
  • Biome Makers
  • bioMérieux Diagnostics
  • CosmosID
  • Element Biosciences
  • Fusion Genomics.
  • Helix OpCo
  • Illumina
  • Institute for Metagenomics
  • Karius
  • Metabiomics Corp
  • Metagenomi
  • MetaSUB International Consortium
  • Microbiome Insights
  • MicroGenDx
  • Molecular Stethoscope
  • Norgen Biotek Corp.
  • Noscendo
  • Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co., Ltd.
  • One Codex
  • OraSure Technologies
  • Oxford Nanopore Technologies
  • Pacific Biosciences
  • PathoQuest S.A.
  • Perkin Elmer
  • Promega
  • Qiagen
  • Second Genome
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Sysmex
  • Takara Bio
  • Ultima Genomics
  • Zymo Research Corp