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Global Abrasives

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  • 379 Pages
  • May 2019
  • Region: Global
  • The Freedonia Group
  • ID: 4792904

Global Abrasives

Demand for abrasives worldwide is being impacted by a number of factors: growth in Asia, especially China, India, and Southeast Asia; advances in global manufacturing especially in electronics; and increasing interest in super abrasives and alternative backing materials. Growth in global demand for nonmetallic abrasives will be boosted by rising penetration of higher value products. However, increased market share for products like super abrasives will be driven to an extent by declining prices for advanced materials. Sales growth for cloth coated abrasives will trail that for other backing materials, in part because these products are most popular in mature markets like the US and Western Europe. Cloth coated abrasives will also face increasing competition from more specialized backing materials offering performance advantages for particular applications.

Products covered are:

  • Coated abrasives
  • Bonded abrasives
  • Loose abrasives grains and powders
  • Metallic abrasives

Demand by product and market is presented for 19 countries in the following regions:

  • North America
  • Central and South America
  • Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • Asia/Pacific
  • Africa/Mideast

Scope of the Report

This report covers the scope, size, and growth of the global abrasives market, including key trends in products, markets, and regions. Historical data are provided for 2008, 2013, and 2018 for demand, production, and net exports, with forecasts for 2023. Historical market volatility is also addressed. Data are provided in US dollars. Demand totals at country level are also presented local currency terms. Also included is an analysis of key industry players and their global market shares.

Table of Contents

Key Findings
Global Abrasives Market
Demand by Region
Production by Region
International Trade
Pricing Patterns
Abrasives Raw Materials
Demand by Type & Region
Manufactured Minerals
Natural Minerals
Metallic Materials
Technology & Product Development
Legal & Regulatory Environment
Key Findings
Abrasives Demand by Product
Nonmetallic Abrasives
Demand by Region
Coated Abrasives
Demand by Product Type & Region
Cloth Coated Abrasives
Paper & Other Coated Abrasives
Bonded Abrasives
Demand by Product Type & Region
Conventional Bonded Abrasives
Bonded Superabrasives
Loose Abrasive Grains & Powders
Metallic Abrasives
Key Findings
Demand by Market
Durable Goods Manufacturing
Demand by Market & Region
Machinery Manufacturing
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
Electrical & Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
Fabricated Metal Manufacturing
Other Durable Goods Manufacturing
Cleaning & Maintenance
Other Markets
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Demand by Country
Market Share
United States
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Market Share
Other Central & South America
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Demand by Country
Market Share
United Kingdom
Other Western Europe
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Market Share
Other Eastern Europe
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Demand by Country
Market Share
South Korea
Other Asia/Pacific
Key Findings
Abrasives Market Size
Historical Trends
Supply & Demand
Demand by Product & Market
Market Share
Other Africa/Mideast
Key Findings & Industry Composition
Market Share
Marketing Strategies
Distribution Channels
Mergers & Acquisitions
Cooperative Agreements
List of Industry Participants
Industry Participants by Geographic Region
Freedonia Methodology
Study-Specific Methodology
Associations & Agencies
Related Studies & Reports
Country Lists by Region
Macroeconomic Assumptions
Economic Environment
Global Population
Global Manufacturing Outlook
Global Personal Consumption Expenditures
Global Construction Outlook
Global Building Construction Outlook
Table 2-1 - Global Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-2 - Global Abrasives Production by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-3 - Global Abrasives Net Exports by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-4 - Global Abrasives Price Deflators by Product, 2008 – 2023 (2017=100)
Table 2-5 - Global Abrasive Raw Materials Demand by Type & Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-6 - Global Manufactured Abrasive Minerals Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-7 - Global Natural Abrasive Minerals Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 2-8 - Global Metallic Abrasive Materials Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-1 - Global Abrasives Demand by Product, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-2 - Global Nonmetallic Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-3 - Global Coated Abrasives Demand by Product Type & Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-4 - Key Characteristics of Paper & Other Coated Abrasives
Table 3-5 - Global Bonded Abrasives Demand by Product Type & Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-6 - Key Applications for Conventional Bonded Abrasives by Material
Table 3-7 - Characteristics of Bonded Superabrasives by Material
Table 3-8 - Global Loose Abrasive Grains & Powders Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 3-9 - Key Applications for Loose Abrasive Grains & Powders
Table 3-10 - Global Metallic Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 3-11 - Characteristics of Metallic Abrasives by Product
Table 4-1 - Global Abrasives Demand by Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-2 - Global Durable Goods Manufacturing Abrasives Demand by Market & Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-3 - Global Machinery Manufacturing Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-4 - Global Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-5 - Global Electrical & Electronic Equipment Manufacturing Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-6 - Global Fabricated Metals Manufacturing Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-7 - Global Demand for Abrasives in Other Durable Goods Manufacturing by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-8 - Global Cleaning & Maintenance Abrasives Demand by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 4-9 - Global Demand for Abrasives in Other Markets by Market & Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-1 - North America: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-2 - North America: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-3 - North America: Abrasives Demand by Country, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-4 - United States: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-5 - United States: Abrasives Demand by Product, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-6 - United States: Abrasives Demand by Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-7 - United States: Abrasives Raw Materials Demand by Type, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-8 - Mexico: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & billion pesos)
Table 5-9 - Mexico: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 5-10 - Canada: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million US dollars & million Canadian dollars)
Table 5-11 - Canada: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million US dollars)
Table 6-1 - Central & South America: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 6-2 - Central & South America: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 6-3 - Brazil: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million real)
Table 6-4 - Brazil: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 6-5 - Other Central & South America: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 6-6 - Other Central & South America: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-1 - Western Europe: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-2 - Western Europe: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-3 - Western Europe: Abrasives Demand by Country, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-4 - Germany: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million euro)
Table 7-5 - Germany: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-6 - Italy: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million euro)
Table 7-7 - Italy: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-8 - France: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million euro)
Table 7-9 - France: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-10 - United Kingdom: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million pounds)
Table 7-11 - United Kingdom: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-12 - Spain: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars & million euro)
Table 7-13 - Spain: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-14 - Other Western Europe: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-15 - Other Western Europe: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 7-16 - Other Western Europe: Abrasives Supply & Demand by Country, 2008 –
2023 (million dollars)
Table 8-1 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 8-2 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 8-3 - Russia: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion rubles)
Table 8-4 - Russia: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 8-5 - Poland: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
million zloty)
Table 8-6 - Poland: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 8-7 - Other Eastern Europe: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 8-8 - Other Eastern Europe: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 –
2023 (million dollars)
Table 9-1 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 9-2 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-3 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Demand by Country, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Table 9-4 - China: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion yuan)
Table 9-5 - China: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-6 - Japan: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion yen)
Table 9-7 - Japan: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-8 - India: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion rupees)
Table 9-9 - India: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-10 - South Korea: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion won)
Table 9-11 - South Korea: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-12 - Taiwan: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million US dollars &
billion Taiwanese dollars)
Table 9-13 - Taiwan: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million US dollars)
Table 9-14 - Thailand: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion baht)
Table 9-15 - Thailand: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-16 - Indonesia: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
billion rupiah)
Table 9-17 - Indonesia: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-18 - Other Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 9-19 - Other Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 10-1 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 10-2 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 10-3 - Turkey: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars &
million lira)
Table 10-4 - Turkey: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 10-5 - Other Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Supply & Demand, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Table 10-6 - Other Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Demand by Product & Market, 2008 –
2023 (million dollars)
Table 11-1 - Abrasives Sales by Company, 2018 (million dollars)
Table 11-2 - Selected Mergers & Acquisitions
Table 11-3 - Selected Cooperative Agreements
Table 12-1 - Relevant NAICS & SIC Codes
Table 12-2 - Relevant NACE Codes
Table 12-3 - Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in Study
Table 12-4 - Countries in North America
Table 12-5 - Countries in Central & South America
Table 12-6 - Countries in Western Europe
Table 12-7 - Countries in Eastern Europe
Table 12-8 - Countries in the Asia/Pacific Region
Table 12-9 - Countries in the Africa/Mideast Region
Table 12-10 - Global Gross Domestic Product by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (billion 2017 dollars)
Table 12-11 - Global Population by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (million persons)
Table 12-12 - Global Manufacturing Value Added by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (billion 2017 dollars)
Table 12-13 - Global Personal Consumption Expenditures by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (billion 2017 dollars)
Table 12-14 - Global Construction Expenditures by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (billion 2017 dollars)
Table 12-15 - Global Building Construction Expenditures by Region & Country, 2008 – 2023 (billion 2017 dollars)
Figure 1-1 - Key Global Abrasives Trends
Figure 2-1 - Key Trends in the Global Abrasives Market
Figure 2-2 - Global Abrasives Demand Share by Region, 2008 – 2023 (million dollars)
Figure 2-3 - Global Abrasives Production Share by Region, 2008 – 2023
(million dollars)
Figure 3-1 - Key Global Abrasives Product Trends
Figure 3-2 - Global Abrasives Demand Share by Product, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 3-3 - Coated Abrasives Product Examples
Figure 3-4 - Bonded Abrasives Product Examples
Figure 3-5 - Loose Abrasive Grains & Powders Product Examples
Figure 3-6 - Metallic Abrasives Product Examples
Figure 4-1 - Key Global Abrasives Market Trends
Figure 4-2 - Global Abrasives Demand Share by Market, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 5-1 - North America: Abrasives Market
Figure 5-2 - North America: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 5-3 - North America: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 5-4 - North America: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 5-5 - United States: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 5-6 - United States: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 5-7 - Mexico: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 5-8 - Mexico: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & billion pesos)
Figure 5-9 - Canada: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 5-10 - Canada: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million US dollars &
million Canadian dollars)
Figure 6-1 - Central & South America: Abrasives Market
Figure 6-2 - Central & South America: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 6-3 - Central & South America: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018
(million dollars)
Figure 6-4 - Central & South America: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 6-5 - Brazil: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 6-6 - Brazil: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million real)
Figure 6-7 - Other Central & South America: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 6-8 - Other Central & South America: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018
(million dollars)
Figure 7-1 - Western Europe: Abrasives Market
Figure 7-2 - Western Europe: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-3 - Western Europe: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 7-4 - Western Europe: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 7-5 - Germany: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-6 - Germany: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
million euro)
Figure 7-7 - Italy: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-8 - Italy: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million euro)
Figure 7-9 - France: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-10 - France: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million euro)
Figure 7-11 - United Kingdom: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-12 - United Kingdom: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
million pounds)
Figure 7-13 - Spain: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-14 - Spain: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million euro)
Figure 7-15 - Other Western Europe: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 7-16 - Other Western Europe: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018
(million dollars)
Figure 7-17 - Netherlands: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
million euro)
Figure 7-18 - Austria: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million euro)
Figure 7-19 - Switzerland: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
million Swiss francs)
Figure 7-20 - Belgium: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
million euro)
Figure 7-21 - All Other Western Europe: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018
(million dollars)
Figure 8-1 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Market
Figure 8-2 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 8-3 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 8-4 - Eastern Europe: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 8-5 - Russia: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 8-6 - Russia: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & billion rubles)
Figure 8-7 - Poland: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 8-8 - Poland: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million zloty)
Figure 8-9 - Other Eastern Europe: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 8-10 - Other Eastern Europe: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 9-1 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Market
Figure 9-2 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-3 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 9-4 - Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 9-5 - China: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-6 - China: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & billion yuan)
Figure 9-7 - Japan: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-8 - Japan: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & billion yen)
Figure 9-9 - India: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-10 - India: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & billion rupees)
Figure 9-11 - South Korea: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-12 - South Korea: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
billion won)
Figure 9-13 - Taiwan: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-14 - Taiwan: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million US dollars &
billion Taiwanese dollars)
Figure 9-15 - Thailand: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-16 - Thailand: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
billion baht)
Figure 9-17 - Indonesia: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-18 - Indonesia: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars &
billion rupiah)
Figure 9-19 - Other Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 9-20 - Other Asia/Pacific: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 10-1 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Market
Figure 10-2 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 10-3 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 10-4 - Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 10-5 - Turkey: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 10-6 - Turkey: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars & million lira)
Figure 10-7 - Other Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Market Key Indicators, 2018
Figure 10-8 - Other Africa/Mideast: Abrasives Demand, 2006 – 2018 (million dollars)
Figure 11-1 - Global Abrasives Market Share, 2018 (billion dollars)
Figure 11-2 - Global Abrasives: First Market Leader
Figure 11-3 - Global Abrasives: Second Market Leader
Figure 11-4 - Global Abrasives: Third Market Leader
Figure 11-5 - Global Abrasives: Fourth Market Leader
Figure 11-6 - Global Abrasives: Fifth Market Leader
Figure 11-7 - Global Abrasives: Sixth Market Leader

