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Global and China Automotive PCB Industry Report, 2021

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  • 245 Pages
  • September 2021
  • Region: China, Global
  • Research In China
  • ID: 5440735

Automotive PCB research: vehicle intelligence and electrification bring about demand for PCBs, and local manufacturers come to the fore.

The share of electronics in curb weight of a vehicle is rising, expectedly up to 34.3% in 2020, which is accompanied by more vehicle entertainment and safety functions and the growth of new energy vehicles. This gives a direct boost to demand for automotive printed circuit boards (PCB).

The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 slashed the global vehicle sales and led to a big shrinkage of the industry scale to USD6,261 million. Yet the gradual epidemic control has driven the sales up a lot. Moreover, the growing penetration of ADAS and new energy vehicles will favor sustained growth in demand for PCBs, which is projected to outstrip USD12 billion in 2026.

As the largest PCB manufacturing base and also the biggest vehicle production base in the world, China demands a great many of PCBs. By one estimate, China’s automotive PCB market was worth up to USD3,501 million in 2020.

Vehicle intelligence pushes up demand for PCBs.

As consumers demand safer, more comfortable, more intelligent automobiles, vehicles tend to be electrified, digitalized and intelligent. ADAS needs many PCB-based components such as sensor, controller and safety system. Vehicle intelligence therefore directly spurs demand for PCBs.   

In ADAS sensor’s case, the average intelligent vehicle carries multiple cameras and radars to enable driving assistance functions. An example is Tesla Model 3 which packs 8 cameras, 1 radar and 12 ultrasonic sensors. On one estimate, the PCB for Tesla Model 3 ADAS sensors is valued at RMB536 to RMB1,364, or 21.4% to 54.6% of total PCB value, which makes it clear that vehicle intelligence boost demand for PCBs. 

Vehicle electrification stimulates demand for PCBs.

Differing from conventional vehicles, new energy vehicles need PCB-based power systems like inverter, DC-DC, on-board charger, power management system and motor controller, which directly boosts demand for PCBs. Examples include Tesla Model 3, a model with total PCB value higher than RMB2,500, 6.25 times that of ordinary fuel-powered vehicles. 

In recent years, the global penetration of new energy vehicles has been on the rise. Major countries have formulated benign new energy vehicle industry policies; mainstream automakers race to launch their development plans for new energy vehicles as well. These moves will be a major contributor to the expansion of new energy vehicles. It is conceivable that the global penetration of new energy vehicles will ramp up in the years to come.

It is predicted that the global new energy vehicle PCB market will be worth RMB38.25 billion in 2026, as new energy vehicles become widespread and the demand from higher levels of vehicle intelligence favors a growth in PCB value per vehicle.

Local vendors cut a figure in the severer market competition.

At present, the global automotive PCB market is dominated by Japanese players such as CMK and Mektron and Taiwan’s players like CHIN POON Industrial and TRIPOD Technology. The same is true of the Chinese automotive PCB market. Most of these players have built production bases in Chinese Mainland. 

In Chinese Mainland, local companies take a small share in the automotive PCB market. Yet some of them already make deployments in the market, with increasing revenues from automotive PCBs. Some companies have a customer base covering the world’s leading auto parts suppliers, which means it is easier for them to secure bigger orders to gain strength. In future they may command more of the market. 

Capital market helps local players.

  • In recent two years, automotive PCB companies seek capital support to expand capacity for more competitive edges. With the backing of capital market, local players will become more competitive as a matter of course. 

Automotive PCB products head in high-end direction, and local companies make deployments.

At present, automotive PCB products are led by double-layer and multi-layer boards, with relatively low demand for HDI boards and high frequency high speed boards, high value-added PCB products which will be more in demand in future as demand for vehicle communication and interiors increases and electrified, intelligent and connected vehicles develop.

The overcapacity of low-end products and fierce price war make companies less profitable. Some local companies tend to deploy high value-added products for becoming more competitive.

WUS Printed Circuit

  •  In 2020, the company developed BSG control board, ADAS main control board, vehicle energy board, ceramic buried lamp board, copper block embedded board, etc.

Victory Giant Technology

  • Phase II of the company’s HDI project is about to make trial run; ID package substrate is in the phase of research and development and has yet to be production-ready; high-class HDI products have been production-ready.

Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic

  • In 2020, the company mass-produced more products for autonomous driving and new energy vehicles.

Aoshikang Technology

  •  The company is developing high-class HDI boards and high-end automotive boards. 

Bomin Electronics

  •  The company invested RMB3 billion in capacity expansion involving HDI board, high-class multilayer board, rigid-flex board and high-frequency high-speed board. 

Olympic Country

  •  In 2020, the company started production of Class 3/4 high-frequency high-speed HDI PCB and rigid-flex HDI board for vehicles; and trial-produced high heat dissipation copper block buried PCB and high-frequency high-speed long-range radar PCB for vehicles in small batches.

Sihui Fuji Electronics Technology

  •  In 2020, the company developed new products for new energy vehicles, including high current high heat dissipation copper block embedded power supply substrate, metal base substrate, ceramic substrate, rigid-flex board, ultra-thick copper (≥6OZ) substrate, and depth-controlled stepped substrate.

Guangdong Goworld

  •  In 2020, the company raised RMB700 million to construct capacity of 240,000m2/year high-frequency high-speed PCBs, high-performance HDI PCBs, and other products, which are largely used in smart phones, automotive electronics, intelligent driving, etc.

Jiangsu Xiehe Electronic

  •  In 2020, the company made an IPO to raise funds for its 1 million m2/year high-density multilayer PCB capacity expansion project.

Huizhou China Eagle Electronic Technology

  • In 2020, the company raised RMB1.2 billion for its high-density PCB construction project, which mainly produces high-class multilayer boards, HDI boards, rigid-flex boards, substrate-like PCBs and so forth, which are largely used in automotive electronics and 5G communications.

Guangdong Ellington Electronics Technology

  • The company masters high-safety precision automotive circuit board production technology.

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Table of Contents

1 Overview of Automotive PCB Industry
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Classification and Application
1.3.1 Classification and Application - Product Structure
1.3.2 Classification and Application - Application Structure
1.4 Industry Chain
1.5 Development History
1.6 Automotive PCB
1.6.1 Development Background - Boom of Automotive Electronics
1.6.2 Development Background - China's PCB Policies
1.6.3 Status Quo
2 Automotive PCB Industry
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Product Structure
2.3 Regional Development Structure
2.4 Competitive Pattern
2.5 TOP20 Global PCB Companies
2.6 TOP20 Chinese PCB Companies
2.7 Competitive Pattern of Global Automotive PCB Industry
2.7.1 Comparison of Companies
2.7.2 Comparison of Revenue in 2020
2.7.3 Market Share
2.8 PCB Industrial Distribution in China
2.9 Competitive Pattern of China's Automotive PCB Industry
2.9.1 Layout
2.9.2 Comparison of Capacity
2.9.3 Market Share
2.10 Development Trends of Automotive PCB Market
2.10.1 Vehicle Electrification Stimulates Demand for PCBs
2.10.2 Vehicle Intelligence Pushes up Demand for PCBs
2.10.3 The Development of In-vehicle Infotainment System Drives up Demand for PCBs
2.10.4 Capital Market Helps Local Companies with Capacity Expansion
2.10.5 Local Companies Work to Deploy High-end Automotive PCB Products
2.10.6 Local Companies’ Great Efforts to Develop Automotive PCBs are Expected to Increase Their Market Shares
2.11 Development Trends of Automotive PCB Technology
3 Foreign PCB Companies
3.1 TTM Technologies
3.1.1 Development History
3.1.2 Global Layout
3.1.3 Business Layout
3.1.4 Business Structure
3.1.5 PCB Business
3.1.6 Automotive PCB Business
3.1.7 Development Trends
3.2 CMK Electronics
3.2.1 Operation
3.2.2 Global Layout
3.2.3 Business Layout
3.2.4 Main Products
3.2.5 Automotive PCB Business
3.3 Meiko Electronics
3.3.1 Operation
3.3.2 PCB Revenue
3.3.3 Automotive PCB Business
3.3.4 Medium-term Development Strategy
3.3.5 Capacity Expansion Plan
3.4 KCE Electronics
3.4.1 Organizational Structure
3.4.2 Operation
3.4.3 Technical Strength - Processing Capability
3.4.4 Main Production Bases
3.5 AT&S
3.5.1 Main Production Bases
3.5.2 Operation
3.5.3 Business Layout
3.5.4 Automotive PCB Business
3.6 Schweizer
3.6.1 Operation
3.6.2 Main Products
3.6.3 Automotive PCB Business
3.7 Nippon Mektron
3.7.1 Operation
3.7.2 Automotive PCB Business
3.8 Gul Technologies
3.8.1 Production Technology
3.8.2 Main Production Bases
3.8.3 PCB Business
3.8.4 Automotive PCB Business
4 PCB Companies in Chinese Mainland
4.1 WUS Printed Circuit
4.1.1 PCB Revenue
4.1.2 PCB Products and Application Areas
4.1.3 Main PCB Subsidiaries
4.1.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.2 Guangdong Ellington Electronics Technology
4.2.1 Operation
4.2.2 PCB Revenue
4.2.3 PCB Technology and Customers
4.3 Olympic Country Technology
4.3.1 Operation
4.3.2 PCB Products
4.3.3 PCB Business
4.3.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.4 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing
4.4.1 Development History
4.4.2 Operation
4.4.3 PCB Business
4.4.4 Competitive Edges of PCB Business
4.4.5 FPC Project
4.5 Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic
4.5.1 Development History
4.5.2 Operation
4.5.3 Output & Sales
4.5.4 Main Products
4.5.5 Automotive PCB Business
4.5.6 Main Customers
4.6 Avary Holding
4.6.1 Main Production Bases
4.6.2 Operation
4.6.3 Product Fields
4.6.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.7 Shennan Circuits
4.7.1 Operation
4.7.2 PCB Technical Strengths
4.7.3 Key Application Fields of PCB Products
4.7.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.8 Founder Technology Group
4.8.1 PCB Business
4.8.2 Main PCB Production Bases
4.8.3 Automotive PCB Business
4.9 Victory Giant Technology
4.9.1 Multilayer Board Process Capability
4.9.2 HDI Process Capability
4.9.3 Application Fields of Products
4.9.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.10 Guangdong Goworld
4.10.1 HDI Technical Strengths
4.10.2 Automotive PCB Business
4.11 Bomin Electronics
4.11.1 Production Bases
4.11.2 PCB Revenue
4.11.3 Automotive PCB Business
4.11.4 Development Plan
4.11.5 Main Customers
4.12 Aoshikang Technology
4.12.1 Main Production Bases
4.12.2 Development History and Capacity Planning
4.12.3 PCB Revenue and Output & Sales
4.12.4 PCB Technical Strengths
4.12.5 PCB Process Capability
4.12.6 Main Customers
4.12.7 Automotive PCB Business
4.13 Huizhou China Eagle Electronic Technology
4.13.1 PCB Revenue and Output & Sales
4.13.2 PCB Business
4.13.3 Manufacturing Capability
4.13.4 Automotive PCB Business
4.13.5 Capacity Expansion
4.14 Suntak Technology
4.14.1 Main Production Bases
4.14.2 PCB Business
4.14.3 Automotive PCB Products
4.15 Jiangsu Xiehe Electronic
4.15.1 PCB Revenue
4.15.2 PCB and Output & Sales
4.15.3 Unit Price of PCB
4.15.4 Revenue from Main Customers
4.15.5 Main Automotive PCB Products
4.15.6 Main Automotive PCB Customers and Revenue from Them
4.16 Sihui Fuji Electronics Technology
4.16.1 PCB Revenue and Price
4.16.2 PCB Output & Sales
4.16.3 Typical PCB Products
4.16.4 PCB Business
4.16.5 Automotive PCB Business
4.16.6 Main Customers
4.16.7 Revenue from Main Customers
4.17 Guangdong Kingshine Electronic Technology
4.17.1 PCB Revenue
4.17.2 Production Bases
4.17.3 PCB Capacity and Output & Sales
4.17.4 Automotive PCB Revenue
4.17.5 Automotive PCB Business
4.17.6 Revenue from Main Customers
4.18 Camelot Electronic Technology
4.18.1 Automotive PCB Business
4.19 Kingboard Holdings Limited
4.19.1 PCB Business
5 PCB Companies in China Taiwan
5.1 Zhen Ding Technology
5.1.1 PCB Business
5.1.2 Main PCB Products
5.1.3 Automotive PCB Business
5.2 Unimicron Technology
5.2.1 Main Production Bases - Chinese Mainland
5.2.1 Main Production Bases - Taiwan
5.2.2 Technology Development
5.2.3 Technology Blueprint
5.2.4 PCB Products
5.3 CHIN POON Industrial
5.3.1 Output & Sales
5.3.2 Main Products
5.3.3 R&D
5.3.4 Future Development Strategy
5.4 Tripod Technology Corporation
5.4.1 PCB Business
5.4.2 Automotive PCB Business
5.4.3 R&D
5.5 Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp.
5.5.1 Process Capability
5.5.2 HDI Technology
5.5.3 Technology Blueprint
5.5.4 PCB Products
5.5.5 Operation
5.5.6 Output & Sales
5.6 HannStar Board
5.6.1 PCB Business
5.7 Nan Ya PCB
5.7.1 PCB Business
5.8 Dynamic Electronics
5.8.1 Global Layout
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 PCB Business
5.8.4 Automotive PCB Business

Companies Mentioned

  • TTM Technologies
  • CMK Electronics
  • Meiko Electronics
  • KCE Electronics
  • AT&S
  • Schweizer
  • Nippon Mektron
  • Gul Technologies
  • WUS Printed Circuit
  • Guangdong Ellington Electronics Technology
  • Olympic Country Technology
  • Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing
  • Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic
  • Avary Holding
  • Shennan Circuits
  • Founder Technology Group
  • Victory Giant Technology
  • Guangdong Goworld
  • Bomin Electronics
  • Aoshikang Technology
  • Huizhou China Eagle Electronic Technology
  • Suntak Technology
  • Jiangsu Xiehe Electronic
  • Sihui Fuji Electronics Technology
  • Guangdong Kingshine Electronic Technology
  • Camelot Electronic Technology
  • Kingboard Holdings Limited
  • Zhen Ding Technology
  • Unimicron Technology
  • CHIN POON Industrial
  • Tripod Technology Corporation
  • Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp.
  • HannStar Board
  • Nan Ya PCB
  • Dynamic Electronics

