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Best Practices in Planning Shared Ownership of Real Estate

  • Training

  • 1 Hour
  • Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. (MCLE)
  • ID: 5866259
Individuals routinely desire to own residential real estate jointly with another; there are several ways to accomplish this goal. Explore options for how to structure ownership of shared property and learn about the benefits and drawbacks of the various options. Hear the panelists discuss the different ways for individuals to hold joint title, cohabitation agreements, and the issues that arise when a co-owner passes away. The panelists also address restrictions that can be imposed to prevent the transfer of joint ownership to another.

Course Content

12:00 - 12:10 pm
Overview of Tenancies, Ownership of Real Estate in Entities, Trusts, etc, Life Estates
Luke C. Bean, Esq.,
Rico, Murphy, Diamond & Bean LLP, Natick
12:10 - 12:20 pm
Title Issues To Be Considered
Donna A. Mizrahi, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP, Boston
12:20 - 12:30 pm
Cohabitation/Co-Ownership Agreements
Luke C. Bean, Esq.,
Rico, Murphy, Diamond & Bean LLP, Natick
12:30 - 12:40 pm
Imposing Restrictions on Transfer, Buy-Sell Agreements, Rights of First Refusal, First Option to Purchase
Luke C. Bean, Esq.,
Rico, Murphy, Diamond & Bean LLP, Natick
12:40 - 12:55 pm
Transfer of Property After Death, Buy-Outs, Dealing With Disputes in Ownership
Donna A. Mizrahi, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP, Boston
12:55 - 1:00 pm
Key Takeaways and 'Ask the Experts' Q&A Session
Please Note
This webcast is delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal.
There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only.
They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.


Luke C. Bean, Esq.,
Rico, Murphy, Diamond & Bean LLP, Natick
Donna A. Mizrahi, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP, Boston