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Heterogeneous Contributions to Numerical Cognition. Learning and Education in Mathematical Cognition

  • Book

  • May 2021
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 5238249

Arithmetic disability stems from deficits in neurodevelopment, with great individual differences in development or function of an individual at neuroanatomical, neuropsychological, behavioral, and interactional levels. Heterogeneous Contributions to Numerical Cognition: Learning and Education in Mathematical Cognition examines research in mathematical education methods and their neurodevelopmental basis, focusing on the underlying neurodevelopmental features that must be taken into account when teaching and learning mathematics. Cognitive domains and functions such as executive functions, memory, attention, and language contribute to numerical cognition and are essential for its proper development. These lines of research and thinking in neuroscience are discussed in this book to further the understanding of the neurodevelopmental and cognitive basis of more complex forms of mathematics - and how to best teach them. By unravelling the basic building blocks of numerical thinking and the developmental basis of human capacity for arithmetic, this book and the discussions within are important for the achievement of a comprehensive understanding of numerical cognition, its brain basis, development, breakdown in brain-injured individuals, and failures to master mathematical skills.

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Table of Contents

1. From quantical to numerical cognition: A crucial passage for understanding the nature of mathematics and its origins � SECTION I Advanced mathematics, reasoning and problem solving 2. Toward an inhibitory control theory of the reasoning brain in development 3. Maths and logic: Relationships across development 4. Cerebral underpinning of advanced mathematical activity

SECTION II Math education 5. Looking at the development of mathematical knowledge from the perspective of the framework theory approach to conceptual change: Lessons for mathematics education 6. Subtraction by addition: A remarkably natural and clever way to subtract? 7. Probing the neural basis rational numbers: The role of inhibitory control and magnitude representations 8. Learning and education in numerical cognition: We do need education

SECTION III Intervention studies 9. Supporting early numeracy: The role of spontaneous mathematical focusing tendencies in learning and instruction 10. Developmental course of numerical learning problems in children and how to prevent dyscalculia: A summary of the longitudinal examination of children from kindergarten to secondary school 11. Neurocognitive mechanisms of numerical intervention studies: The case of brain stimulation 12. Intervention studies in math: A metareview

SECTION IV Math deficiencies and difficulties 13. The complex pathways toward the development of math anxiety and links with achievements 14. What predicts the development of fact retrieval speed and calculation accuracy in children with (and without) arithmetic disabilities (AD). What can we learn from longitudinal studies? 15. Early neurocognitive development of dyscalculia 16. Early difficulties in numerical cognition


Wim Fias Professor of Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Dr. Fias is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at Ghent University. He is currently editor-in-chief of the Journal of Numerical Cognition and has been consulting editor for Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition and was an editorial board member of the journal Cognition. He serves regularly as an ad hoc reviewer for all major journals in the domain of Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Dr. Fias has over 100 publications on the topics of numerical cognition, working memory and cognitive control. His research uses behavioral and neuroimaging techniques in a complementary way. Avishai Henik Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Dr. Avishai Henik is a Professor of Psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He holds a consulting editorial position with several journals (e.g., Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General) and serves regularly as an ad-hoc reviewer for various journals in the field and for granting agencies. Dr. Henik has over 300 publications of which most are in peer-reviewed journals. He has edited or co-edited three books in the area of numerical cognition. A leader in the field, he was awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Researcher grant to continue his cutting-edge research on the contribution of non-countable dimensions to the development and understanding of numerical cognition.